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how to get value from session in Razor View?

in Core 2.1: I set the value in controller

HttpContext.Session.SetString("IsAuthenticated", "true");

when i get the value in view.cshtml, the value is null

if (Context.Session.GetString("IsAuthenticated") == "true")

I just ran your code in an app I have and it worked. It would seem to me that you haven't set up the use of cookies in your app. Try the following:

// The following goes into ConfigureServices in Startup.cs
services.AddSession(options =>
    options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
    options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;

Having done that, you'll still need one more thing to set it up in the Configure method in Startup.cs

// place after the other app.UseFoo methods. 

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