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Laravel 5.6 get all rows as arrays of values using Eloquent ORM

I have an eloquent query that returns a collection:

$items = Item::get(['id', 'name']);

When I convert to JSON I get this:

    {id: 1, name: "some name"},
    {id: 2, name: "some other name"}

I want a result like this instead:

    [1, "some name"],
    [2, "some other name"]

How can I achieve this with Laravel 5.6 and eloquent ORM?

You can use the toArray method

$items = Item::get(['id', 'name'])->map(function($item) {
    return array_values($item->toArray());

Your $item variable will have something like this :

Illuminate\Support\Collection {
     all: [

And the json representation :

[[1, "Peter"], [2, "Juan"]]


$items = \App\Item::pluck('name', 'id');

I was getting error about inner toArray() , so this worked for me:

$items = Item::get(['id', 'name'])->map(function($item) {
    return array_values((array)$item);

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