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What is big O notation of these permutation algorithms

Working my way through "Cracking the coding interview", and a practice question says

Given 2 strings, write a method to decide if one is a permutation of the other.

The author's python solution is as follows:

def check_permutation(str1, str2):
    if len(str1) != len(str2):
        return False
    counter = Counter()
    for c in str1:
        counter[c] += 1
    for c in str2:
        if counter[c] == 0:
            return False
        counter[c] -= 1
    return True 

Which claims to be in O(N) time.

My solution is as follows:

def perm(str1,str2):
    if(len(str1) != len(str2)):
        return False
    for c in str1:
        if c not in Str2:
            return False
    return True 

And I believe this to also be O(N). Is this true? Which algorithm is favorable? The author's data type seems unneccesary.

And lastly, is this algorithm O(NlogN)?

def perm(str1,str2):
    return sorted(str1)==sorted(str2)

First, the author's solution is an optimized version of Counter(str1) == Counter(str2) (it returns False faster and creates a single instance of a Counter ). It is, indeed, O(n) because hash table ( Counter ) access is O(1) .

Next, your solution is quadratic ( O(n^2) ) because each in is O(n) - it has to traverse the whole string. It is also wrong on strings with repetitions.

Third, sorted(str1) == sorted(str2) is, indeed, linearithmic ( O(n*log(n)) ) and thus is worse than the original linear solution.

Note, however, that for small strings the constants may make a difference and the linearithmic ( sorted ) solution may turn out to be faster than the linear ( Counter ) one.

Finally, beware that Python is usually implemented using an interpreter, so the actual performance may depend on whether you are using features implemented in C or in Python. Eg, if Counter is implemented in C, then Counter(str1) == Counter(str2) will probably outperform the author's solution hands down, even though algorithmically the author's solution is better.

For the first code, it could be easy by using collection.Counter instead of loops:

def check_permutation(str1, str2):
    if len(str1) != len(str2):
        return False
    return Counter(str1) == Counter(str2)

And it is O(n) again. The last algorihtm, as there is a sorting and using sorted it is O(nlogn) .

Your algorithm is not true as you find a character inside the other string without concern of the number of the repetition of that character. If it was true, it would be O(n^2) .

Therefore, in a general sence, the first algorithm has the best time complexity and easy to be implemented.

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