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Django: query filter for group in which user is part

I am trying to filter a view related to the group to which the logged in user belongs to.

Lets say we have a user who belongs to a group DOGS. I figured out how to filter for a specific that means known group name = DOGS.


from django.contrib.auth.models import Group

    class Customer(models.Model):
        customerName = models.CharField(max_length=50)
        accountOwner = models.ForeignKey(Group, null=True, related_name='usGroup', on_delete=models.SET_NULL )

How do I do that in

views.py :

from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group

    def home(request):
        myData = Customer.objects.filter("Return only data of the group to which the user belongs".)

Do you have a hint? I only found solutions for filtering a specific groupname but not the property of the logged in user.

Thanks in advance!

If I understand it correctly, you want to obtain all the Customer s with as accountOwner , a Group object to which the logged in User belongs.

A request has a request.user attribute which stores the user that is logged in. We can then filter on this:

def home(request):
    myData = Customer.objects.filter()

Note that since a User can belong to several groups at the same time, it is thus possible that you obtain Customer s that belong to different accountOwner s. For example if the logged in user belongs to both the DOGS and CATS group, you thus will obtain Customer s that belong to the DOGS group as well as Customer s that belong to the CATS group.

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