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Activate profiles for spring boot test using application.properties file

I have been using Spring Boot and TestNG for my test framework and so far my tests were configured to use only one default application.properties file which is under src/main/resource. Now I want to configure them for different environments - ci/stage etc. I have used spring documentation to activate the profiles from pom.xml file.


I have for two properties files under src/main/resources - application.properties and application-ci.properties. (The is the naming convention suggested by spring documentation. application-{activatedprofile}.properties).

The application.properties have got a placeholder -


The @activeProfile@ will get replaced with the value of activeProfile in the pom.xml file.And uptil that it is working.

In my @Configuration class I have a annotation as below and I am expecting that the ${spring.profiles.active} value gets replaced with value - ci.


I am getting following error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 
'spring.profiles.active' in value 

I am using maven and testng to run my project. I am doing something incorrect let me know how can I resolve it.

First of all, the maven profile is not the same as the spring profile. In the code snippet provided you are setting the maven profile, not the spring profile.

To pass a specific spring profile during your test phase you can use the surefire plugin. In the code snippet below you would be passing in the system property spring.profiles.active as ci . This is equivalent to setting the value in your application.properties file.


Secondly, spring will automatically load the property sources based on the active spring profile. In your example, spring will first load application.properties then it will apply application-ci.properties on top of it. As a result


is not needed.

If you have a configuration class that is specific to an active profile then you can add @ActiveProfiles("ci") to your configuration class and it will only use that class when the profile ci is active.

Lastly, you do not need the property spring.profiles.active=@activeProfile@ in your application.properties files as this be passed in from the surefire plugin in maven.

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