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Resolving Java.lang.ClassCastException

I am quite new in hibernate. I am really stuck in Java.lang.ClassCastException problem. Cant resolve this problem of my below code for whole day. Can any on help me please?

public ObservableList<Product> getSold() {
    ObservableList<Product> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
    Transaction tx=null;

    session = Hibutil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
    try {
        tx= session.beginTransaction();
        List<Product> productList = session.createQuery(" select productName, count(productName) as totalSold  from Product where sell='1' group by productName Order by totalSold desc").setCacheable(true).list();
        productList.stream().forEach(list::add);// getting error here

        return list;
    } catch(HibernateException e) {
        return null;

I have read this but can'tresolve this problem.

I don't understand how the result of that queries can be casted to Product instances, specifically including a count() in the select.

I would change the below part of the query

select productName, count(productName) as totalSold from Product

to this


(Maybe replace * with the actual column names )

I suppose you are getting error at this line:

List<Product> productList = session.createQuery(" select productName, count(productName) as totalSold  from Product where sell='1' group by productName Order by totalSold desc").setCacheable(true).list();

You need to write DTO for this.

class ProductDto {

private ProductName;
int productCount;

//getters and setters and constructors

you can accordingly modify the query as:

List<ProductDto> productDtoList = session.createQuery(" select new ProductDto (productName, count(productName))  from Product where sell='1' group by productName order by count(productName) desc").setCacheable(true).list();

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