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Inheritance vs. Strategy Pattern

I'm learning about programming patterns and for our final assignment we were asked to build an "online store".

I was thinking about how to model the User which can either be Admin or Customer .

I thought about the Strategy pattern to model each individual User with their particular behaviors.

They don't share any behaviors so far, so the Admin can't addToCart and Customer can't registerNewProduct .

However, they could share behaviors / methods as the system evolves!

Furthermore, the User won't change it's type in run-time. Ie, once you log in as Customer, you can't log back in as Admin.

Even if they shared behaviors such as seeProductList , this could be achieved with good ol' inheritance, right?

Should I use Strategy, Inheritance or would you recommend another pattern?

If you need more information, please let me know! :)

Thanks in advance.

I think you've tumbled into the puzzle of patterns .

Actually there is no obvious reason to use Strategy here. Let's first see what's the most outstanding feature of Strategy .

Strategy is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable . Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from the clients that use it.

As I see it, if you wanna use different methods/algorithms to solve the same problem, you would use Strategy .

A demo would be parse(File file) and there are several methods to parse the file for different scenarios.

Strategy - 1:

parseInParallel(File file) // when in single-user system;

Strategy - 2:

parseSequatially(File file) // multi-user system;

You see, they're achieving the same target but use different methods.

In your case, I would like to recommend inheritance since there are lots of common features between Customer and Admin , which might include:

  1. name;
  2. age;
  3. email;
  4. gender/sex;
  5. address;
  6. telephone;
  7. and more other related to person...

But as you already mentioned, a lot of methods are different. So you can add them separately in the subclass so basically you will have Person , Customer and Admin .

Person has the most basic information and method, Customer has the methods and new fields related to customers and Admin similarly.

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