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Java - How to use PrintStream/OutputStream to print to the Command Line

I know we can use PrintStream to print lines to a given file:

    PrintStream output;
    output = new PrintStream("./temp.txt");
    output .println("some output text"); 

However, can we use PrintStream to print lines to the command line ?

I've looked through the Java docs and it seems PrintStream constructor can take a file path or an OutputStream (is there a OutputStream subclass that would print to command line?)

output = new PrintStream(System.out);

or actually,

output = System.out;

Similarly, you can do the same with System.err ... So why don't we just simply use System.out and System.err directly? sout + tab is quite fast to type in IntelliJ

System.out or System.error are already PrintStream and we can use them to print the output to command line without creating a new PrintStream object that you are doing.

Advantage of using this printStream is that you can use System.setOut() or ``System.setErr()` to set the printSteam of your choice

PrintStream output = new PrintStream("./temp.txt");

Above will override the default Printstream of printing to command line and now calling System.out.println() will print everything in given file(temp.txt)

The PrintStream class provides methods to write data to another stream. To print to command line you can use System.out as out is an object of PrintStream class.

import java.io.*;  
class PrintStreamTest{  
  public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{  
    PrintStream pout=new PrintStream(System.out);  
    pout.println("Hello Java");  
    pout.println("Welcome to Java");  

This will give output on command line as:


Hello Java

Welcome to Java

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