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Value from appsettings.json in model .net core

In my model class, I am trying to read a value from appsettings.json and set CDN url of the images, according to the environment (development, production). It is a .net core app.


public class Person
   public int Id  { get; set; }

   public int ProfileImageUrl => $"{Configuration["CdnUrl"]}/profiles/{Id}.jpg"

Index.cshtml (Razor Page)

@model IndexModel

<img src="@Model.ProfileImageUrl " />


public async Task OnGetAsync()
    Person = await _context.Person.FirstAsync();

App settings

   "CdnUrl": "/images"

   "CdnUrl": "https://images.domain.com"

How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance

There's a simple way to do that . Since you've configured the CdnUrl in your appsettings.json file , let's create a TagHelper with an IConfiguration property injected , so that we can calculate the final URL at runtime:

public class CdnImgTagHelper : TagHelper
    public IConfiguration Configuration{ get; set; } 
    public CdnImgTagHelper(IConfiguration configuration) {
        this.Configuration = configuration;
    public string Src { get; set; }
    public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
        output.TagName = "img";

        var CdnUrlBase = Configuration["CdnUrl"];
        // make sure CndUrlBase endwith "/"
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CdnUrlBase)) { CdnUrlBase ="/"; }
        if (!CdnUrlBase.EndsWith("/")) { CdnUrlBase = CdnUrlBase + "/"; }

        // make sure src don't start with "/"
        if (Src.StartsWith("/")) { Src= Src.Substring(0, Src.Length - 1); }

        output.Attributes.SetAttribute("src", CdnUrlBase + Src);

after importing the CdnImgTagHelper into your _ViewsImports file , we can use it like this :

<cdn-img src="mfcpv.png"></cdn-img>

Since I've configured my appsettings.json with a

"CdnUrl": "https://i.stack.imgur.com"

the generated img looks like :


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