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How to call swift method from objective c

I have created my custom dialog in swift with xib file Now i want to use that dialog from objective c file I am able to show the dialog but i cannot able to listen click event of button

My Swift code is like

public class CustomVerificationDialog:UIView,UITextFieldDelegate
     ///Othere stuffs
      var onClickRightButton : ((_ text1:String , _ text2:String ) -> Void)? = nil //This method is called when button is clicked

     @IBAction func onClickBtnRight(_ sender: Any)
            if self.onClickRightButton != nil
                self.onClickRightButton!(editTextOne.text ?? "",editTextTwo.text ?? "")


Now i am able to get the click event in swift like

dialogForVerification.onClickRightButton =
            { (text1:String,text2:String) in

But i dont know how to listen it in objective c

CustomVerificationDialog *dialogVerification =  [CustomVerificationDialog showCustomDialog];

You can try

[dialogVerification setOnClickRightButton:^(NSString * _Nonnull text1 , NSString * _Nonnull text2 ) {


Here is a Demo

In order to access any swift class and its methods/properties in objective-c file, you need to mark that class/method/property with @objc. Then you need to import "TargetName-Swift.h" in your objective-c file in order to access swift code in objective-c file. Here is the code snippet which hopefully solve your problem:

Replace your swift class with:

    @objc public class CustomVerificationDialog:UIView,UITextFieldDelegate


        @objc var onClickRightButton : ((_ text1:String , _ text2:String ) -> Void)? = nil //This method is called when button is clicked

        @IBAction func onClickBtnRight(_ sender: Any)
           if self.onClickRightButton != nil
           self.onClickRightButton!(editTextOne.text ?? "",editTextTwo.text ?? "")

        //other code goes here

and In your objective-c file (ie viewController)

#import "YourTargetName-Swift.h"

CustomVerificationDialog *dialogVerification =  [CustomVerificationDialog showCustomDialog];
[dialogVerification setOnClickRightButton:^(NSString * _Nonnull text1 , NSString * _Nonnull text2 ) {

// other code here

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