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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version

I am trying to update a row in mysql, however, error no 1024 comes up every time

@$name= $_POST['name'];

if(!empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['bio']) && !empty($_POST['email']) )
     $result="SELECT * FROM accounts where email='$email'";
     $row = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$result),MYSQLI_ASSOC);

     $Sql_Query = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE profile SET name= '$name', bio = '$bio' WHERE id = '$id'");

 echo 'Record Updated Successfully';
echo 'Something went wrong, whether id is not present or something else'.mysqli_error($con);
    echo 'missing parameters';


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1

Any help will be deeply appreciated

(See the edit near the bottom).

What happened here is that you executed the same query twice for the UPDATE and the error that you should be getting is a "1". (This before the edit ).

Change your

$Sql_Query = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE profile SET name= '$name', bio = '$bio' WHERE id = '$id'");
//           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 echo 'Record Updated Successfully';

to just

 echo 'Record Updated Successfully';

and use a prepared statement to help against an SQL injection.

As per your edit where you added:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1

...which is what I suspected and posted in a comment earlier.

By the way; those @ characters are error suppressors and should be removed during development.

Using PHP's error reporting would help to a certain extent, but not for those @'ed variables for the POST arrays should there be anything wrong for them.


As stated in a comment given by IncredibleHat , this line:


is reversed and should be written as:

$id = $row['id'];

The id is to be assigned "to" the row and not the other way around.

I failed to see that, my bad. Good catch on that.

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