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Assert XML block from a text file with Groovy

I have an xml file that contains couple of blocks that have the same parent name, but contain different tags with different values:


This file is generated after a specific request based on some inputs and each time should contain specific values.

I want to create a groovy script that automatically verifies the values in the tags of each individual block, but since all these blocks have the same name and I am relatively new at this I can't manage to do it :( Can you help me with with that?

The basic working with XML might look like this

File inputFile = new File("path")
def xml = new XmlParser(false, false).parse(inputFile)

    int sum = 0
    sum += it.tag1.toInt()
    sum += it.tag2.toInt()
    sum += it.tag3.toInt()

You can validate it based on the sum or whatever you need

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