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Groovy assert: xml nodes to compare

i have an xml:


I want to make sure that the colors are white, green, blue, yellow, red (the order doesn't matter). So i wrote a script:

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

def pXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText('<body><car><color>green</color><nr>88</nr></car><car><color>yellow</color><nr>54</nr></car><car><color>blue</color><nr>89</nr></car><car><color>red</color><nr>17</nr></car><car><color>white</color><nr>64</nr></car></body>')
def actual = pXml.car.color.sort(true) {it.text()}
def expected = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'white', 'yellow'].sort()
assert expected==actual

Forgive me if it looks weird, i'm new in programming. I tired it in online groovy parser and in SoapUI, but i always get:

Caught: Assertion failed: 

assert expected==actual
       |       | |
       |       | [blue, green, red, white, yellow]
       |       false
       [blue, green, red, white, yellow]
Assertion failed: 

assert expected==actual
       |       | |
       |       | [blue, green, red, white, yellow]
       |       false
       [blue, green, red, white, yellow]

at main.run(main.groovy:6)

Kindly advice

You can use a Set instead of sorting

def actual = pXml.car.color*.text() as Set
Set expected = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'white', 'yellow']
assert expected==actual

Your problem BTW was here:

def actual = pXml.car.color.sort(true) {it.text()}

That was taking all the nodes, and sorting them by their text.

It was not returning a list of Strings, it was returning a list of Nodes.

If you want to keep using Lists, you can change this to:

def actual = pXml.car.color*.text().sort(true)

To sort the String text, instead of the Nodes

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