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Chef ruby_block ShellOut mysql result stdout forever empty

have an next case:

test3 = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("echo '1'")
test4 = Mixlib::ShellOut.new("mysql -u root --silent --skip-column-names --password='rootpass' -e 'some sql;'")

puts test3.stdout # => 1
puts test4.stdout # => empty string, nothing

expecting test4 to return result as test3

I guess maybe mysql returning result not to stdout, where then and how can I get the result

PS I know about ruby gem mysql2 which I could use for doing this stuff, but to be honest no time to implement stuff like this just to getting only a simple SQL result, also I have tried run command without --silent and --skip-column-names flags, and this doesn't help too.


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