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How to restore console alerts in uglifyJsPlugin

Do anybody know how to turn back on console log and alerts in Adminator (webpack based, link below). Have tried to turn off each plugin one by one, both production and development mode, unsuccessfully.

I assume that uglifyJsPlugin is responsible, but even changing compress parameters to false didn't work.


in webpack.config.js

// ---------------------------
// @Merging Production Plugins
// ---------------------------

if (manifest.IS_PRODUCTION) {
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
      compress: {
        comparisons   : true,
        conditionals  : true,
        dead_code     : false,
        drop_debugger : false,
        evaluate      : true,
        if_return     : true,
        join_vars     : true,
        screw_ie8     : true,
        sequences     : true,
        unused        : true,
        warnings      : false,

      output: {
        comments: false,

Can you please disable drop_console attribute to false and check with below config.

Reference : compress-options

// ---------------------------
// @Merging Production Plugins
// ---------------------------

if (manifest.IS_PRODUCTION) {
    new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
      compress: {
        comparisons   : true,
        conditionals  : true,
        dead_code     : false,
        drop_debugger : false,
        evaluate      : true,
        if_return     : true,
        join_vars     : true,
        screw_ie8     : true,
        sequences     : true,
        unused        : true,
        warnings      : false,
        drop_console  : false

      output: {
        comments: false,

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