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Static graphics in Gtk DrawingArea

I want to draw some static and some dynamic graphics on Gtk drawing area. In Gtk drawing area, on every call of queue_draw, it clears all the graphics already drawn, and for complex graphics this is very time consuming.

Is there a way that I specifically delete some graphics, and add a few new graphics while the already drawn graphics remains undeleted?

for example in image1 , I want to keep black line unchanged unless drawing area window size changes, I want to keep 3 out of 5 red spots and add some new blue spots so that new image looks like image2 .

If this question is already answered please share link.

I know 2 ways to solve your problem.

  1. Store paths . You can draw something (with line_to , arc , etc) on an empty cairo_t , then call cairo_copy_path and store that path somewhere. On next "draw" you should call cairo_append_path to apply that path.

  2. You can store entire cairo surfaces. For example, create cairo_image_surface, fill it and then use it like this:

     draw_surface (cairo_surface_t *src, cairo_t *dst, gdouble x, gdouble y) { cairo_surface_mark_dirty (src); cairo_save (dst); cairo_translate (dst, x, y); cairo_set_source_surface (dst, src, 0, 0); cairo_paint (dst); cairo_restore (dst); } 

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