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Use array formulas to concatenate two independent sheets

I have two Google Sheets with identical layouts that are filled in by independent teams:

Sheet 1:

team1_entry1 243
team1_entry2 546

Sheet 2:

team2_entry1 166
team2_entry2 888

I need to see the data from both sheets in one table, which I can then filter and sort using Filter Views. I wrote a simple Apps Script function to go through each sheet and grab all the values until it hits "XXX". The collected data is then written as a two-dimensional array in my sheet. (I use IMPORTRANGE() of this data into another sheet, from which I generate my Filter Views, etc.)

The problem

This workflow doesn't work offline (Apps Script needs the internet to run), and I would like to be able to work on this data when I don't have internet access.

Would it be possible to do this kind of sheet data concatenation using some kind of array formula wizardry?

My currently-working script code, for reference:

function CreateMasterTableTest( ) { 
  var name_of_a_sheet                  = 'Team1Sheet';
  var name_of_b_sheet                  = 'Team2Sheet';
  var num_tables                       = 2;
  var database_terminating_string      = 'XXX';
  var start_of_data_row_index          = 1; // 2nd row in the sheet
  var ss                               = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  var all_values    = [];
  var a_sheet       = ss.getSheetByName( name_of_a_sheet );
  var range         = a_sheet.getDataRange();
  all_values[ 0 ] = range.getValues();  
  var b_sheet       = ss.getSheetByName( name_of_b_sheet );
  var range         = b_sheet.getDataRange();
  all_values[ 1 ]   = range.getValues();
  var output_array                     = [];
  var global_row_index                 = 0;
  var end_of_data_encountered          = false;

  // Now I have to reserve space for the second dimension
  for ( var i = 0; i < ( all_values[ 0 ].length + all_values[ 1 ].length ); i++ ) {    
     output_array[ i ] = output_array[ i ] || []; 

  // Walk through each row and each column of each sheet
  var a_num_rows = all_values[ 0 ].length;
  var a_num_cols = all_values[ 0 ][ 0 ].length; // this gets the number of cols   
  for ( var table_index= 0; table_index < num_tables; table_index++ ) {    
   for ( var row = 0; row < a_num_rows; row++ ) {
    for ( var col = 0; col < a_num_cols; col++ ) { 
      temp_val                        = String( all_values[ table_index ][ row ][ col ] ); //#VALUE! 
      // At this point we shall check for the terminating string
      if ( database_terminating_string == temp_val ) {
          end_of_data_encountered = true;          
      if ( start_of_data_row_index <= row ) {
          output_array[ row - start_of_data_row_index + global_row_index ][ col ] = temp_val; 
    if (  end_of_data_encountered == true ) {
      end_of_data_encountered = false;
      global_row_index = row - 1;
    } //end of if
   } // end of row for loop
  } // end of tables for loop
  return output_array;

Edit 2: Here is the sheet formula I have come up with, but I can't get it to work for both sheets:

=Indirect( "Sheet1!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet1!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 )

And likewise for Sheet2

=Indirect( "Sheet2!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet2!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 )

Below doesn't work for me:

=concat( Indirect( "Sheet1!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet1!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ), Indirect( "Sheet2!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet2!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ) )

I need something similar to concat that works for Arrays, perhaps.

Edit3: Seem to have found a solution

Instead of concat above, use {array1;array2} approach.

In other words, in my case it is:

={Indirect( "Sheet1!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet1!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ); Indirect( "Sheet2!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet2!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ) }

={Indirect( "Sheet1!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet1!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ); Indirect( "Sheet2!A3:HA" & Match( "XXX", Sheet2!A3:A1000, 0 ) + 1 ) }

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