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How to override JSON translations for a Laravel package?

I've built a validation package for Laravel >= 5.4 and it uses JSON translation files for the validation message .

I want to let the application to override that message translations.

Laravel provides namespacing for trans() . However, It looks like only the regular .php translations allow namespacing.

I haven't been able to achieve this with JSON translations.

Currently, this is how I'm returning the validation message :

public function message($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters)
    return __('The domain for :attribute is not allowed. Please use another email address.', ['attribute' => $attribute]);

This is how I'm loading the translation files in Service Provider :

public function boot()
    $this->loadJSONTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../../../lang', 'email-domain-blacklist');
        __DIR__.'/../../../lang' => resource_path('lang/vendor/email-domain-blacklist'),
    // Add custom validation rules
    Validator::extend('blacklist', "Alariva\EmailDomainBlacklist\Validator@validate");
    // Add custom validation messages
    Validator::replacer('blacklist', "Alariva\EmailDomainBlacklist\Validator@message");

If I publish the translation files and alter them under resources/lang/vendor/email-domain-blacklist/*.json I will see no changes, since the package will load the translation from the package directory inside vendor/ .

If I loaded the translations from the app level, I would require the application to always publish the translation files in order to correctly load them. I want to avoid this extra step.

Which would be an elegant way to go around this?

I will edit accordingly to provide as much clear info as possible.

Thanks in advance.

After some research I found the way to go around this that Laravel proposes.

Key overrides in the main project JSON translation file (not in the lang/vendor , but directly in lang/ ) will take precedence.

Reference here

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