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How to override an app route from a package in Laravel 6

I am attempting to create a composer package for Laravel 6 but I can not get my main route / to override the default / route included with the base Laravel installation.

My package route does works when I comment out the base / route provided by laravel so it is being registered by the package.

It doesn't make any different if I include my package's service provider before or after the RouteServiceProvider in the config/app.php file.

What am I missing here? How do I ensure my package routes have priority?

Here are the relevant bits of code:


 * Application Service Providers...
// App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,
Wheelmaker\LaravueSpa\LaravueSpaServiceProvider::class,  // MY SERVICE PROVIDER

The relevant section of LaravueSpaServiceProvider

public function boot()

My Package's web.php route file:

Route::get('/', function(){
  $initData = [
    'appName' => config('app.name'),
    'user' => Auth::user(),
  return view('laravue-spa::app', compact('initData'));

This may be late but for someone else:

You can ask the user to disable the auto package discovery in their composer.json and then manually register the package's Service Provider before the RouteServiceProvider in config/app.php

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