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Is curly braces needed in initialization of an array of pointers in structure?

I have compiled a C code using Dev C++ and SPC5 Studio which has a structure with an array of pointers to another structure.

   typedef struct
      uint16 Identifier_u16;
      void* const DataFncType;

    typedef struct
      uint32 Val_u32;
      ClassCfg_ts*  ClassRef_pu[2];

The initialisation is as given below

ClassCfg_ts ClassCfg1_s[] = {
{0,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion
{1,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion
{2,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion

ClassCfg_ts ClassCfg2_s[] = {
{0,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion
{1,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion
{2,writeFucntion},//read write fucntion

atrb_paramCfg_ts atrb_paramCfg_s[] =

where writeFunciton is defined. This initialization works perfectly whenDev C++ is used, whereas in SPC5 studio gives a warning for including curly braces and it disappears only if the initialisation is changed to

atrb_paramCfg_ts atrb_paramCfg_s[] =

Which among this is the correct initialisation?

ClassRef_p is an array of pointers to ClassCfg_ts . You need to brace initialize arrays. {ClassCfg2_s} is correct way to initialize it in the above snippet.

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