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Database schema is not in sync for a nullable column

Just found out doctrine:schema:validate fires an error:

[ERROR] The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file.

So I tried to doctrine:schema:update --force --complete --dump-sql which was successful:

The following SQL statements will be executed:

 ALTER TABLE user CHANGE last_login `last_login` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL;

Updating database schema...

 1 query was executed

[OK] Database schema updated successfully!

But if I run doctrine:schema:validate again it throws the same error regarding schema not in sync.

I have checked Database table field definition and it looks good:

`last_login` datetime DEFAULT NULL

And this is how a column is defined:

 * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $last_login;

I have found this: https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/2825

Any ideas?

In your config.yml or doctrine.yaml (dependending on the Symfony's version), set proper server version of your database server. Eg:

    # …
        # …
        server_version: mariadb-10.2.15

Note the mariadb prefix.

It seems that Doctrine has problems determining the correct MySQL API version when trying to derive the server version from a MariaDB installation.

It may help to define a MySQL version number in your configuration. It did for me in several projects, eg when using MariaDB on Debian Stretch.

# app/config/config.yml

    # …
        # …
        server_version: 5.7

This will have the effect that Doctrine skips the auto-detection of the MySQL version and uses a recent API.

I changed the DATABASE_URL in my .env.local and it worked. Before (did not work)


After (worked finally)


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