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Change default colors set on Angular ngx-charts

I'm working on an angular app and using ngx-charts, after debugging and searching online for few moments I couldn't find how to change the color palette on the charts.

The default angular color palette looks like the following: 在此处输入图片说明

Do you guys know how to change the color palette on the ngx-charts?

Any help is much appreciated, thank you!

After debugging for a while I found the solution:

So here are the steps:

Step 1 : On my .ts file I added a variable with the colors I needed

colorScheme = {
    domain: ['#5AA454', '#A10A28', '#C7B42C', '#AAAAAA']

Step 2: on the .html file I called that variable inside the [scheme]="colorScheme" Property


Good luck!

Use colorScheme variable can custom your chart color. You can find description in doc.


custom colors for the chart. Used to override a color for a specific value

example pie chart


//our root app component
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser-animations';
import {NgxChartsModule} from '@swimlane/ngx-charts';
import {single, multi} from '../data.ts';

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
export class App {
  single: any[];

  // chart area size
  view: any[] = [700, 400];

  // options
  showLegend = false;
  showLabels = true;
  explodeSlices = false;
  doughnut = false;

  // your color scheme
  colorScheme = {
    domain: [

  constructor() {
    Object.assign(this, {single})   

  // select event
  onSelect(event) {


  imports: [ BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, NgxChartsModule ],
  declarations: [ App ],
  bootstrap: [ App ]
export class AppModule {}


export var single = [
    "name": "Apple",
    "value": 8940000
    "name": "Banana",
    "value": 5000000
    "name": "Ornage",
    "value": 7200000
    "name": "Avocado",
    "value": 4830200
    "name": "Cherry",
    "value": 5520000
    "name": "Coconut",
    "value": 1200000
    "name": "Guava",
    "value": 2230000
    "name": "Lemon",
    "value": 4323000

For newer version above 19 . They changed their structure . You can give name of color scheme fromhere and example usage will be


but if you want to use custom colors then u need to use [customColors] attribute and its format is like

{ name: "", value: '#33cc33' }

here you need to be sure that name of color and name of data object need to be same. For example your data is like [{name="Turkey",value:100}] then your color object need to be [{name="Turkey",value: '#33cc33'}]

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