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Get duration of .wav from sox in python

I know how to print the duration of the .wav file using sox at the Linux command.

soxi -D input.wav

So I used this syntax in python.

subprocess.call(['soxi', '-D', input.wav])

But I'd like to save the duration(seconds) in a variable. How do I get it in a variable?

+++++++++++ edit ++++++++++++++


wavduration = subprocess.call(['soxi', '-D', input.wav])



This is not the right way to do it...

Python has sox wrapper and it has following method.

seconds = sox.file_info.duration('input file name')

docs https://pysox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#module-sox.file_info

pysox https://github.com/rabitt/pysox/blob/master/README.md

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