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Unable to run hubot locally

I keep getting this error. How should I solve it?

npm WARN hubot-slack@4.5.4 requires a peer of hubot@^2.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

audited 339 packages in 2.26s found 2 vulnerabilities (1 low, 1 high) run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details ./hubot: 8: exec: node_modules/.bin/hubot: not found

This can be a dependency issue. Do check the dependencies. Also run the commands npm audit and npm audit fix to get deep into the issue.

You should run hubot not from the bin directory but from the parent directory as:


Reference: https://github.com/hubotio/hubot/issues/1061#issuecomment-179422364

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