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React native with connect helper from redux doesn't re-render when state change?

I used reactJS and i know that a component that is wrapped with connect helper that listens to specific reducer when its reducer's state changes it causes the component to re-render .

I don't know why same procedure doesn't work for react-native , i tested my action creators as well as reducers and checked hundred percent that they return new state , And when i checked componentWillRecieveProps i found that the new state is returned correctly and the component doesn't re-render.


const INITIAL = {
  isSigned: null

export default (state = INITIAL, action) => {
    case SIGNED_IN : return {...state, isSigned: true};
    case LOGGED_OUT: return {...state, isSigned: false};
    default: return state;


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as actions from '../../actions';

class Loading extends Component {




       case null  : return;
       case false : this.props.navigation.navigate('Auth');
       case true  : this.props.navigation.navigate('App')

    return (
        <ActivityIndicator size="large" color="black" />

const mapStateToProps = ({signed}) => {
  const {isSigned} = signed;
  return {

export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(Loading);


export const SIGNED_IN = 'SIGNED_IN';
export const LOGGED_OUT = 'LOGGED_OUT';

//Action Creators

export const checkSigned = () => async dispatch => {
    let token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('fb_token');
       dispatch({type: SIGNED_IN})
    dispatch({type: LOGGED_OUT})

You need to use bindActionCreators to dispatch your actions as props

import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch);
const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    isSigned: state.isSigned

export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(Loading);

// In actions, you need to fix action code

export const checkSigned = () => async dispatch => {
let token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('fb_token');
   dispatch({type: SIGNED_IN});
 } else {
    dispatch({type: LOGGED_OUT});

I think the problem is that you're running your state change logic in componentDidMount . componentDidMount doesn't run when your component re-renders, but componentDidUpdate does. Put your logic there.

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