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How can I access html in Django?

I want to make a href link can access sub.html of Django app. I wrote in index.html like

<p class="button"><a href="{% static 'templates/sub.html'%}">Next</a></p>

but when I put Next button,Page not found (404) Request URL: error happens. My app's structure is


What is wrong in my codes?I rewrote <a href="{% static 'sub.html'%}"> but same error happens.How should I fix this?

Static files are for stylesheets javascript and other static documents. you can add a template as view in your urls.py

from django.urls import include, path
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

urlpatterns = [
    path('sub/', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='sub.html'), name='sub')

Then in your index.html template: <p class="button"><a href="{% url 'suub' %}">Next</a></p>

You must refer to urls and then urls refer to views and after that view render html tamplate

If you using name attribute in url like path('url',views.yourview,name='yourname') then you can use:

{%  url 'your name'   %}

in your template


<a href='{% url 'yourname'  %}'>Link</a>

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