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Mysql Query Getting Item as ID in 2 different tables

Im sorry for my bad english but this is the best i can.

I am trying to make a script that get's the item values of one line in my

Logs_client_trade 表屏幕 for this example i'll be using the row with ID 2.

The first query is working correctly and getting the 2 values of 1items and 2items and deletes the ; that comes with it.

But the second part seems a little bit harder and i can't solve it. The query is getting id, base_item from the table


The last 2 Outputs marked red are the one's that are matching 1items & 2items

I'm trying to let the if statement filter the $item1 as id in the item table and output the baseitem of the found row

same goes for item2


I'm using MySQL & MySQLi because this cms doesnt support newer versions of PHP yet.

 $query = "SELECT * FROM logs_client_trade ORDER by id DESC";
 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

     $item1 = rtrim($row['1items'],"; ");
     $item2 = rtrim($row['2items'],"; ");

     echo("<td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>");
     echo("<td>" . $row['1id'] . "</td>");
     echo("<td>" . $row['2id'] . "</td>");

    $userinfo = "SELECT id, base_item FROM items LIMIT 1";
    $result2 = mysql_query($userinfo) or die(mysql_error());
        while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){
                if($row2['id'] == $item1){ echo $row2['baseitem']; } else echo "Not available";
            echo ("</td>");
                if($row2['id'] == $item1){ echo $row2['baseitem']; } else echo "Not available";
            echo ("</td>");
    $tradetime = $row['timestamp'];
    $date = date("d M Y - H:i:s", $tradetime);

You forgot the while loop for the second query:

$userinfo = mysql_query("SELECT id, base_item FROM items");
while($get2 = $userinfo->fetch_assoc()) {
    $baseid = $get2['id'];
    $baseitem = $get2['baseitem'];


In addition to that, your code is a mess. In the second loop you are still listing the rows from the logs table... I suggest you to review carefully your code, being careful on how you are using the different $row and $get2 arrays.

You can use a JOIN to get all of the info with one SQL statement:

FROM `logs_client_trade` a
LEFT JOIN `items` b
ON REPLACE(a.`1items`,';','') = b.`id`
LEFT JOIN `items` c
ON REPLACE(a.`2items`,';','') = c.`id`
ORDER by a.`id` DESC


Here's the PHP code that will run the query and output the table rows. I've specified the column names based on the code in the original question.


$query = "SELECT
    IFNULL(b.`baseitem`,'Not Available') as `baseitem1`,
    IFNULL(c.`baseitem`,'Not Available') as `baseitem2`,
    DATE_FORMAT(a.`timestamp`,'%d %m %Y - %H:%i:%s') as `tradetime`
FROM `logs_client_trade` a
LEFT JOIN `items` b
ON REPLACE(a.`1items`,';','') = b.`id`
LEFT JOIN `items` c
ON REPLACE(a.`2items`,';','') = c.`id`
ORDER by a.`id` DESC
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

    $item1 = rtrim($row['1items'],"; ");
    $item2 = rtrim($row['2items'],"; ");

    echo "<tr>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['id'] . "</td>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['1id'] . "</td>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['2id'] . "</td>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['baseitem1'] . "</td>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['baseitem2'] . "</td>\r\n";
    echo "  <td>" . $row['tradetime'] . "</td>\r\n";

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