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wait for async function with $.each before continuing

I made this fiddle to help debug the following code...

If you go to the fiddle and keep hitting "run" - you will notice that the results are different every time (they should be the same). I am trying to accomplish 2 thing

  1. how can i make sure that the year key/val is on items[] every time — it is not consistent now.

  2. I do not want to alter titles during transformData() . As it is now the array is being modified... my attempt was transformData(titles.slice(0), items => { but it is still being altered.

     const titles = [ { title: 'avatar' }, { title: 'jurassic' }, { title: 'black panther' } ]; transformData(titles.slice(0), items => { const problem = items.length !== titles.length; const debugg ={ problem: problem, counts: { items: items.length, // echos 2 titles: titles.length // echos 3 }, items: items, // echos an object with 3 arrays inspector shows length:3 titles: titles // echos an object with 3 arrays inspector shows length:3 }; console.log('debugg', debugg) $('pre').text(JSON.stringify(debugg, null, 2)) }); function transformData(configs, next) { const self = this; const items = []; const last = configs.length; $.each(configs, function(i, config) { items.push(config); $.ajax({ url: 'https://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=f4e09aec&&t=' + items[i].title, type: 'GET', crossDomain: true, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(results) { if (results.Response != 'False') { console.log(results); items[i].year = results.Year; if (i+1 === last) { next(items); } } } }); }); } 

I have updated your fiddle . The reason your titles was getting updated, because titles array and array passed as arguments had reference to same objects. Instead of pushing same object, i'm creating new objects,


 const titles = [ { title: 'avatar' }, { title: 'jurassic' }, { title: 'black panther' } ]; transformData(titles.slice(0), items => { const problem = items.length !== titles.length; const debugg ={ problem: problem, counts: { items: items.length, // echos 2 titles: titles.length // echos 3 }, items: items, // echos an object with 3 arrays inspector shows length:3 titles: titles // echos an object with 3 arrays inspector shows length:3 }; console.log('debugg', debugg) $('pre').text(JSON.stringify(debugg, null, 2)) }); function transformData(configs, next) { const self = this; const items = []; const last = configs.length; const p = [] $.each(configs, function(i, config){ items.push({...config}) p.push($.ajax({ url: 'https://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=f4e09aec&&t=' + items[i].title, type: 'GET', crossDomain: true, dataType: 'jsonp' })) }) Promise.all(p).then((values)=>{ for(var i =0;i<values.length;i++){ items[i].year = values[i].Year } next(items) }) } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <pre></pre> 

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