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How to implement a “class extending” function (for example a decorator function) in ES5 which also works with ES2015 classes

I've asked a similar question yesterday and it was marked as duplicate of
ES6: call class constructor without new keyword

As the above linked document does not give a full answer, I now asked the same question a bit different today ... and provide a possible solution below:

How do I have to implement the ES5 function "extend" (it should just extend a class) in the following demo to also work with ES2015 classes without getting an "Class constructor baseClass cannot be invoked without 'new'" error?

[Edit: The function "extend" will be part of a (transpiled) ES5 library. This library itself may then later be used by someone else who uses either ES5 or >= ES2015 - both cases should work]

// ES5 function (similar to: constr => class extends constr {})
function extend(constr) {
  var ret = function () {
    constr.apply(null, arguments)

  ret.prototype = Object.create(constr.prototype)

  return ret

// ES2015 code
  baseClass = class {},
  extendedClass = extend(baseClass)

new extendedClass() // <- Error: Class constructor baseClass cannot be invoked without 'new'

See: https://jsfiddle.net/kjf7cheo/

One solution could look like follows (=> using "new Function(...)"). Is there anything wrong/insecure/to be considered with this solution?

var extend = null

if (typeof Proxy === 'function') { // check for ECMAScript version >= 2015
  try {
    extend =
      new Function('baseClass', 'return class extends baseClass {}')
  } catch (e) {
    // ignore

if (!extend) {
  extend = function (baseClass) {
    var ret = function () {
      baseClass.apply(this, arguments)

    ret.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype)

    return ret

// Result: function "extend"

I'd try using Reflect.construct for this:

let extend = function (constr) {
    let ret;
    if(Reflect && Reflect.construct){
        ret = function(...args){
            let inst = Reflect.construct(constr, args, eval('new.target'));
            return inst;
    } else {
        ret = function () {
        constr.apply(this, arguments)
    ret.prototype = Object.create(constr.prototype);
    ret.prototype.constructor = ret;
    return ret;

The eval line just makes it so you don't get a syntax error when you transpile it to ES5. It's necessary if you want to extend the constructors you create with extend otherwise the prototypes will be lost.

I think this could be a solution without using "eval(...)" or "new Function(...)" ... what do you think?

Find a demo here: https://jsbin.com/vupefasepa/edit?js,console

var hasReflection =
  typeof Reflect === 'object'
    && Reflect
    && typeof Reflect.construct === 'function'

function extend(baseClass) {
  var ret = function () {
    if (!(this instanceof ret)) {
      throw new Error("Class constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'")

    var type = this.constructor

    return hasReflection
      ? Reflect.construct(baseClass, arguments, type)
      : void(baseClass.apply(this, arguments))

  ret.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype, {
    constructor: {
      value: ret

  return ret

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