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How do I make my discord.py bot use custom emoji?

How can I make my bot use my custom emoji in any discord server?

async def ping(ctx):
    msg = "Pong :CustomEmoji: {0.author.mention}".format(ctx.message)
    await bot.say(msg)

Example: If I upload some custom emojis on Server 1 and when we use the !ping command (mentioned above) in Server 2 or Server 3 or any server where the bot has access to, it should use the custom emoji.

Result: Pong with:CustomEmoji:

From https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py/issues/390 :

It's <:emoji_name:emoji_id> for custom emojis.

You can also find the discord.Emoji instance through Server.emojis and then cast it to str.


As we know, every discord bot has nitro privileges when it comes to using emotes. So a bot can access any emoji for all servers it has been added to. What I do is make an API converter for myself with a global emote dictionary.


async def ping(ctx):
    global emojis
    if not emojis:
        emojis = {e.name:str(e) for e in ctx.bot.emojis}
    msg = "Pong :CustomEmoji: {0.author.mention}".format(ctx.message).replace(':CustomEmoji:',emojis['CustomEmoji'])
    await ctx.send(msg)
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):

    if reaction.emoji.id == emoji_id:
        await reaction.message.delete()

IMPORTANT: Change the emoji_id, It deletes the message

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