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Use cases for IdentityHashMap


Whenever you want your keys not to be compared by equals but by == you would use an IdentityHashMap. This can be very useful if you're doing a lot of reference-handling but it's limited to very special cases only.

The documentations says:

A typical use of this class is topology-preserving object graph transformations, such as serialization or deep-copying. To perform such a transformation, a program must maintain a "node table" that keeps track of all the object references that have already been processed. The node table must not equate distinct objects even if they happen to be equal. Another typical use of this class is to maintain proxy objects. For example, a debugging facility might wish to maintain a proxy object for each object in the program being debugged.

One case where you can use IdentityHashMap is if your keys are Class objects. This is about 33% faster than HashMap for gets! It probably uses less memory too.

You can also use the IdentityHashMap as a general purpose map if you can make sure the objects you use as keys will be equal if and only if their references are equal.

To what gain? Obviously it will be faster and will use less memory than using implementations like HashMap or TreeMap .

Actually, there are quite a lot of cases when this stands. For example:

  • Enum s. Although for enums there is even a better alternative:EnumMap
  • Class objects. They are also comparable by reference.
  • Interned String s. Either by specifying them as literals or calling String.intern() on them.
  • Cached instances. Some classes provide caching of their instances. For example quoting from the javadoc of Integer.valueOf(int) :

    This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, inclusive...

  • Certain libraries/frameworks will manage exactly one instance of ceratin types, for example Spring beans.
  • Singleton types. If you use istances of types that are built with the Singleton pattern, you can also be sure that (at the most) one instance exists from them and therefore reference equality test will qualify for equality test.
  • Any other type where you explicitly take care of using only the same references for accessing values that were used to putting values into the map.

To demonstrate the last point:

Map<Object, String> m = new IdentityHashMap<>();

// Any keys, we keep their references
Object[] keys = { "strkey", new Object(), new Integer(1234567) };

for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
    m.put(keys[i], "Key #" + i);

// We query values from map by the same references:
for (Object key : keys)
    System.out.println(key + ": " + m.get(key));

Output will be, as expected (because we used the same Object references to query values from the map):

strkey: Key #0
java.lang.Object@1c29bfd: Key #1
1234567: Key #2

HashMap creates Entry objects every time you add an object, which can put a lot of stress on the GC when you've got lots of objects. In a HashMap with 1,000 objects or more, you'll end up using a good portion of your CPU just having the GC clean up entries (in situations like pathfinding or other one-shot collections that are created and then cleaned up). IdentityHashMap doesn't have this problem, so will end up being significantly faster.

See a benchmark here: http://www.javagaming.org/index.php/topic,21395.0/topicseen.html

This is a practical experience from me:

IdentityHashMap leaves a much smaller memory footprint compared to HashMap for large cardinalities.

One important case is where you are dealing with reference types (as opposed to values) and you really want the correct result. Malicious objects can have overridden hashCode and equals methods getting up to all sorts of mischief. Unfortunately, it's not used as often as it should be. If the interface types you are dealing with don't override hashCode and equals , you should typically go for IdentityHashMap .

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