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Javascript object property undefined when it's clearly existing

I'm facing a weird situation right now, if I do this within my EJS template:

<%= JSON.stringify(course.results[0]) %>

that print me the following:

  "user_id": "900",
  "trainingpath_id": "25",
  "sco_id": "1",
  "nb": "11",
  "date": "25/07/2018 14:14",
  "date_last_update": "21/08/2018 13:10",
  "lesson_status": "passed",
  "spent_time": "278",
  "score": "100",
  "progression": "100",
  "unique_sco_id": "427"

But if I do this:

<%= JSON.stringify(course.results[0].score) %>

I receive an error telling me that it Cannot read property 'score' of undefined

Someone ever experienced that ?

Actual template page :

<div class="container">
    <div class="row heading-box">
        <div class="col">
            <h1><span id="introduction">Progress<br></span></h1>
    <div class="row text-box">
        <div class="col">
            <% if (Array.isArray(sessions)) { %>
                <% sessions.map(session=>{ %>
                    <div class="session-box">
                        <h4 class="session-title"><i class="fal fa-chevron-double-right title-indicator"></i> <%= session.name; %> </h4>
                        <% session.courses.map(course=>{%>
                            <div class="course-box">
                            <span class="fa-stack course-thumbnail-stack">
                                <i class="fas fa-circle course-thumbnail-circle ready fa-stack-2x"></i>
                                <i class="fal fa-play-circle course-thumbnail-action ready fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i>
                                <img src="<%= session.details[0].thumbnail_link.indexOf(lms_url) > -1 ? '' : `${lms_url}/` %><%= session.details[0].thumbnail_link %>" class="course-thumbnail">
                                <h4> <%= course.titre; %></h4>
                                    Duration : <%= (session.details[0].typical_learning_time_duration || 0) / 60 %> mins<br/>
                                    Score : <% if ('results' in course && Array.isArray(course.results)) { %><%= JSON.stringify(course.results[0], null, '\t') %><% } else { %><%= '0' %><% } %>%
                                <button type="button" class="btn btn-lg start-course" onclick="window.location='<%= course.lms_url %>>'">Start</button>
                                <div style="clear:both"></div>
                <% }) %>
        <% } %>

As discussed in the comments, there is nothing wrong with the scope you have, so probably you're having a problem with the array course.results sometimes, meaning it might have no elements. So to avoid that just add length check as suggested by @Kosala Nuwan Perera

Also you don't need to stringify the score as it is a string already.


Score : <% if ('results' in course && Array.isArray(course.results) && course.results.length > 0) { %><%= course.results[0].score %><% } else { %><%= '0' %><% } %>

The only reason you'd get property 'score' of undefined is if your results[0] was undefined.

I'd suggest doing:

if(course && course.results && course.results.length) {

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