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Conductor : Force Callback in onActivityResult

I am using Conductor in place of Fragment which gets attached to activity.


LocationConductor which has attached to MotherActivity . From LocationConductor , I am accessing GoogleApiClient which request for LocationRequest dialog.

From LocationConductor :

LocationSettingsResult.getStatus().startResolutionForResult(getActivity(), RC_LOCATION_SETTINGS);

It request LocationRequestDialog using GoogleApiClient which requires Activity Context. The CallBack from the Dialog will be back in onActivityResult of MotherActivity as Activity Context is passed.

Question :

  • I want that callback in to LocationConductor instead of MotherActivity. How can I force callback in conductor or pass conductor context while calling LocationRequest?

Tried :

  • registerForActivityResult(requestCode) : But neither does this help in forcing callback at Conductor.

registerForActivityResult : Registers this Controller to handle onActivityResult responses. Calling this method is NOT necessary when calling {@link #startActivityForResult(Intent, int)}

You can just call Router.onActivityResult() from within the activity's onActivityResult call to forward it along. If the activity itself calls startActivityForResult , there's no way to capture the results automatically. The same would go for fragments.

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