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Microsoft Dynamics CRM C# Plugin to use Jquery and Ajax

Below image shows my Jquery with Ajax code

JQuery and Ajax Code 在此处输入图片说明

Where in the code I'm fetching field values and POSTing it to the URL in JSON format.

I want to achieve the same thing in C# plugin fetching the values from fields i can use query Expression but i need to use AJAX in the C# code how I'll achieve this?

Any help would be Appreciable...

AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript And XML - useful to make Async calls to server side from client side using js/jQuery & xml.

Plugin - server side code for extending logic in CRM platform event execution pipeline (ex.create/update). You can make a plugin to run as Asynchronous while registering the steps in Plugin registration tool. You can do service.RetrieveMultiple to search & service.Update to set the value in Post-operation plugins. In fact pre-create or pre-update Plugins can set the field values by intercepting the pipeline & even before DB transaction, but this is always synchronous.

But in your code, you are searching/retrieving customerid, customercode using user entry in shortname, address & filling up. This can be done in either way - client/server side.

QueryExpression or FetchXML are two CRM native ways to query the data. Broader topic, hence you can search for lot of samples in combination online.

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