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How to pass Jenkins credentials to a Dockerfile/Shell?

I've a Makefile with:

docker build --build-arg USER=${USER} --build-arg PASSWD=${PASSWD}

and I build it in a jenkins script with:

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials', passwordVariable: 'PASSWD', usernameVariable: 'USER')]) { (build_step) }

In a Dockerfile script, I have:



curl -u ${USER}:${PASSWD}

Where USER/PASSWD pair is passed to repo/API.

What are necessary steps for USER / PASSWD to be passed properly? I've tried a lot of solutions/syntax options and RUN export. None seems to be working.

Is there a way to RUN echo variables from dockerfile? Jenkins log shows either a variable name or whitespaces for most of attempts.

You can pass the arguments to dockerile using --build-arg . So in this case you could run something like docker build --build-arg USER=${USER} --build-arg PASSWD=${PASSWD}

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