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How to send multiple files to kafka producer using akka stream in Scala

I am trying to send multiple data to kafka producer using akka stream , meanwhile I wrote the producer itself , but struggling of how to use akka-streamIO in order to get multiple files which will be the data I want to send to my kafka Producer this is my code:

 object App {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val file = Paths.get("233339.8.1231731728115136.1722327129833578.log")
//    val file = Paths.get("example.csv")
//    val foreach: Future[IOResult] = FileIO.fromPath(file)
//      .to(Sink.ignore)
//      .run()

    println("Hello from producer")

    implicit val system:ActorSystem = ActorSystem("producer-example")
    implicit val materializer:Materializer = ActorMaterializer()

    val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(system,new StringSerializer,new StringSerializer)

    val done: Future[Done] =
      Source(1 to 955)
        .map(value => new ProducerRecord[String, String]("test-topic", s"$file : $value"))

    implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
    done onComplete  {
      case Success(_) => println("Done"); system.terminate()
      case Failure(err) => println(err.toString); system.terminate()



Given multiple file names:

val fileNames : Iterable[String] = ???

It is possible to create a Source that emits the contents of the files concatenated together using flatMapConcat :

val chunkSize = 8192

val chunkSource : Source[ByteString, _] = 
        .map(fileName => Paths get fileName)
        .flatMapConcat(path => FileIO.fromPath(path, chunkSize))

This will emit fixed size ByteString values that are all chunkSize length, except for possibly the last value which may be smaller.

If you want to breakup the lines by some delimiter then you can use Framing :

val delimiter : ByteString = ???

val maxFrameLength : Int = ???

val framingSource : Source[ByteString, _] =
  chunkSource.via(Framing.delimiter(delimiter, maxFrameLength))

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