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Put value into application.yaml and use Runtime

I have Spring boot application. I want to put the some values as read timeout, debug mode in yaml file and then read them from java code.

application.yaml :

      database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
        ddl-auto: update
      show-sql: false

      url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database_name
      username: database_username
      password: database_password

         maxFileSize: 15Mb
         maxRequestSize: 15Mb

      port: 8585
      contextPath: /

You can do this using the @Value annotation provided by spring framework.

Here is the example:

      socket-timout: 20

And in your java code you can get the value of socket-timout using the below code.

private Integer socketTimeout;

It will it will automatically be populated with value 20 . You can not do this for the static variables. To achieve this for the static variables, you can use the following code.

public static Integer mySocketTimeout;

public void setSocketTimeout(Integer socketTime){
   mySocketTimeout = socketTime;

By setting the the value of static variable via non-static setter method.

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