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Hazelcast map entry listener does not from Spring

I am trying to configure Hazelcast map to use entry listener using Spring. However, I see that it does not work (events are not coming to the listener).

My entry listener:

public class MyMapListener extends EntryAdapter<String, String> implements MapListener{
    public void onEntryEvent(EntryEvent<String, String> event) {
        EntryEventType type = event.getEventType();
        System.out.println("Event type: " + type);

My Spring application context:

<hz:hazelcast id="instance">
        <hz:group name="dev" password="password"/>
            <hz:property name="hazelcast.merge.first.run.delay.seconds">5</hz:property>
            <hz:property name="hazelcast.merge.next.run.delay.seconds">5</hz:property>
        <hz:network port="5705" port-auto-increment="true">
                <hz:multicast enabled="true"/>
        <hz:map name="myMap" >
                <hz:entry-listener class-name="rw.gov.dgie.bms.hazelcast.listener.map.MyMapListener" include-value="true"/>
                <hz:entry-listener implementation="myMapListener" local="true"/>

<hz:client id="client">
    <hz:group name="dev" password="password"/>

<bean class="rw.gov.dgie.bms.hazelcast.listener.map.MyMapListener" name="myMapListener"/>

<hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="instance" name="MyMap" lazy-init="false"/>

When I add the listener to injected map from Java code, it works fine:

private IMap myMap;

myMap.addEntryListener((MapListener)new MyMapListener(), true);

What did I do wrong?


<hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="instance" name="MyMap" lazy-init="false"/>


<hz:map id="myMap" instance-ref="instance" name="myMap" lazy-init="false"/>

The id is the bean name, the name is the map name.

In the top section of the original code, the listener here

<hz:map name="myMap">

is added to a map named " myMap " and the bean at the bottom references a map named " MyMap ". So two different maps due to the capitalisation of M on one and not the other.

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