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Capturing Full web page in asp.net

Want to take full web page screen shot. i have tried below code but it is taking only visible portion. i want to take full web page screenshot that is visible and invisible

here is my code

 protected void btnCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



  public static void Capture(String CapturedFilePath)
        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
        Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap as System.Drawing.Image);
        graphics.CopyFromScreen(10, 65, 20, 25, bitmap.Size);
        bitmap.Save(CapturedFilePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
    catch (Exception)



看看Josh Close的ScreenShot Gist或CodeProject上dooskoobi的网页缩略图

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