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How to Get the height of String text in each row of tableview cell?

Data is coming from api and i want to increase the cell height according to the height of text coming from api. I want to show more text in my label, but it cuts of because of small cell.


I did UItableViewAutomationDimenension , but it didn't exactly work for me.

Please tell me if anyone knows. Thanks in Advance

func heightForText(string: String, width: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat {
    let attrString = NSAttributedString(
        string: string,
        attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font])
    let size = attrString.boundingRect(
    with: CGSize(width: width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude), 
    options: NSStringDrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin, context: nil)
    return size.height

After doing some work on this, I found the solution.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {

        if msg1[indexPath.row].messageType == "image"{
            return 185.0
            let attrString = NSAttributedString(
                string: msg1[indexPath.row].message!,
                attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)])
            let size = attrString.boundingRect(
                with: CGSize(width: 200, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude),
                options: NSStringDrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin, context: nil)

            return size.height + 35

So it gives a result output like this:


Anyway Thanks to all for your Answers...!!!

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