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cx_Freeze not correctly converting python program(s) into executable

I have the following files for a project in pygame:

> extras.py

> main.py

> settings.txt

# main.py imports extras.py

I am trying to convert into an executable using cx_Freeze .

My setup.py file is as follows

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

executables = [Executable("main.py")]

    name = 'Pong',
    author = 'Ethan',
        "build_exe": {
            "packages":["pygame", "sys", "random"],
    executables = executables,
    version = "5.1.1"

It builds without errors but upon running the exe it launches a window then immediately closes. I have gotten a single python file to build but can't figure out how to do multiple.


executables = [Executable("main.py"), Executable("extras.py")]

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