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Warning throwed breaks compilation

I have a question about how maven manage the severity of the warnings.

I have two environments, in one Environment (My local computer, maven 3.2.2), maven throws the error "unmappable character for encoding UTF-8" with severity "WARNING", so, i can compile with no problem.

On the other environment (Jenkins, mavne 3.2.1), this error is throw with severity "ERROR", so, the compilation ends at this point.

You know how I can tell Maven to throw this error as "WARNING" on the Jenkins environment?

The problem is that the Maven version installed on Jenkins uses the Maven Compiler Plugin version 2.5.1, this version throws the "unmappable character" as "ERROR" instead of "WARNING". This causes that the Maven Compiler Plugin stop at this error.

I forced on the POM.xml to use a newer version (3.5.1) and the problem was solved.

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