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Akka file upload - Sending an 2xx 'early' response before end of request was received

I know this question has been asked here already, but I haven't found any working solution to the problem. Keep getting this WARNING all the time: Sending an 2xx 'early' response before end of request was received.

Here is my code:

pathPrefix("upload") {
  (post & extractRequest) { _ => {
    extractRequestContext {
      requestCtx => {
        implicit val materializer = requestCtx.materializer
        implicit val executionContext = requestCtx.executionContext
        fileUpload("file") {
          case (metadata, byteSource) => {

            val completesOnceUploadCompleted: Future[Done] =
                iores => iores.status.get

            val futureResponseBody = completesOnceUploadCompleted.map(res => res)


Please help me fixing it.

I am not sure of the cause of the underlying problem. However, one "quick fix" would be to use the onComplete directive to wait for the writing to complete:

pathPrefix("upload") {
  post {    
    extractRequestContext { requestCtx => 
      implicit val materializer = requestCtx.materializer
      implicit val executionContext = requestCtx.executionContext

      fileUpload("file") { (metadata, byteSource) =>

        val writeFileFut : Future[Try[Done]] = 

        onComplete(writeFileFut) {
          case Success(statusTry) => statusTry match {
            case Success(done) => complete(StatusCodes.Ok)
            case Failure(ex) => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError -> ex.toString)
          case Failure(ex) => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError -> ex.toString)

I had the same issue and simply adding implicit request: Request[AnyContent] => (which I had by mistake removed) solved it!

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