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Odoo 10 call old api method

I am using Odoo 10 and trying override stock quants_get_preferred_domain method.

My code:

def quants_get_preferred_domain(self, cr, uid, qty, move, ops=False,  lot_id=False, domain=None, preferred_domain_list=[], context=None):

And I am getting an error:

  File "/opt/odoo10/addons/stock/models/stock_move.py", line 660, in action_assign
    quants = Quant.quants_get_preferred_domain(qty, move, domain=main_domain[move.id], preferred_domain_list=[])
TypeError: quants_get_preferred_domain() takes at least 5 arguments (5 given)

What can be wring with decorators and how correctly on v10 can I call old api method?

Seems that you are changing the method decorator definition from @api.model to @api.v7

You could check that in the code of the method quants_get_preferred_domain . You should be ok defining the method override as:

def quants_get_preferred_domain(self, qty, move, ops=False, lot_id=False, domain=None, preferred_domain_list=[]):

You should also check if your Odoo version is outdated that may have some issues solved in earlier Odoo 10 versions

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