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Apache Tomcat 9 Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments

I have tomcat 9.0.11 installed, but the tomcat 9 server name does not see it to configure it , a solution please

Open your Eclipse IDE

Go to Help > Install New Software > Select a URL from where you want to install > Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > select JST Server Adapters Extensions Next and Install.

It will install Apache Tomcat Adaptors. Then you will be able to see all the Tomcat Server Versions in your list.

您已经将 tomcat 9 下载并安装到您的机器上,然后在 Eclipse > Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime Environment 上,单击 Add 后,然后选择您下载的 tomcat。

Looks like you have a very old version of eclipse where the newer versions of servers aren't shown. Make sure you install the latest version (photon, or 4.8) of the eclipse JEE package (or some other package with the WTP plugins) and you will see the latest supported server versions in that list.

You should install the latest Eclipse IDE.

It has worked for me:



Right this issue popped up for me quite some time after the original post for a windows 10 x64 Eclipse 2020-09 for tomcat version 9. I went through the loops and the jumps to get to a final answer. For later versions you need the JST adapters mentioned above for the 2020-09 version of Eclipse that is located by going to:

Help -> Install new Software -> (in work with put in: https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-12/ ) -> (open drop down menu)Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development -> Select options : JST Server Adapters, JST Server Adapters Extensions, JST Server UI (the last one is for the event that the server ui isnt present which it wasnt on my version of eclipse)

in the event that you already have one of these installed it won't run an install on that particular one but run an update on it instead.

Go to help and choose check for update. Then eclipse will updated to newer version which will show latest version of tomcat server


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