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media files aren't serving in django app on cpanel

I have a django app running on cpanel (I'm not sure if is a problem of my django app or cpanel server), when the debug mode is set up True . I can see all the media files, like profiles pictures or pdf files, etc. But when the debug mode is set up False , you can't see the media files on the app. This is my configuratios on the settings.py file.

    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = '<app-directory>/public_html/static'

# Media files
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

# Crispy Form Theme - Bootstrap 3

# For Bootstrap 3, change error alert to 'danger'
from django.contrib import messages
    messages.ERROR: 'danger'

To deploy a production server, you need to set 3 things

  1. deactivate the DEBUG configuration:

DEBUG = False

This disable all extra function for development.

  1. define a static root directory in the settings file:

STATIC_ROOT = '/this/is/a/path/to/statics'

This, indicate where all the static files should be saved.

  1. run the command to collect all static files:

python manage.py collectstatic

This saves all statics files in the directory configured by STATIC_ROOT

The official documentation for deployment: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/howto/deployment/checklist/#static-root-and-static-url

I don't actually solve it yet but you can do as below to solve your issue:

1 - Setup your media and static root:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media")

2 - Activate your virtual enviroment on cpanel then run this command:

python manage.py collectstatic

3 - After you did that 2 folder will create at root of your app on cpanel "static" and "media" folder copy both of them into "public_html" directory

4 - go to the setup python app in cpanel and find your app and restart it.

It will solve the issue for me but every time when i upload some picture i should go and just copy the media files into public_html

I have this issue for 1 day but I found solution. You can install this two packages dj-static static3 with pip:

$ pip install dj-static static3

then change your wsgi.py file like below:

from dj_static import Cling
application = Cling(get_wsgi_application())

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