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Internet access from inside docker over Oracle VM and cntlm proxy

How can I make internet http calls from inside docker on Ubuntu 16.04 over Oracle VM (5.2.4) and cntlm proxy on Windows 7?

The Proxy is configured (IP, the VMs host). Internet access is successful within Ubuntus Firefox or with wget from commandline.

Docker CE (17.12.0-ce) is configured to use also the proxy ip: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf


All docker images I could pull successful.

Only the wget or any install calls inside a docker container fails.

Many help pages later, I haven't no idea more. My tries:

docker run --name test --network host -e "https_proxy=" -it alpine:latest wget https://www.web.de
wget: bad address 'www.web.de'

docker run --name test --dns -e "https_proxy=" -it alpine:latest wget https://www.web.de
wget: bad address 'www.web.de'

docker run --name test -e "https_proxy=" -it alpine:latest wget https://www.web.de
wget: bad address 'www.web.de'

docker run --name test --network host --dns -e "https_proxy=" -it alpine:latest wget https://www.web.de
wget: bad address 'www.web.de'

All the printed calls also with "http" and without the proxy Environment.

Another ideas for me?

For docker to work with CNTLM it is important to set

Gateway yes

in the CNTLM-Config.

I run CNTLM directly on the VM and set all proxys within the container to .

For the sake of completeness, please set all Proxy-Env in docker run :

docker run -e HTTP_PROXY=${PROXY_DOCKER} -e http_proxy=${PROXY_DOCKER} -e HTTPS_PROXY=${PROXY_DOCKER} -e https_proxy=${PROXY_DOCKER} ...

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