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How do I put line break in p:tooltip

如何在tooltip primefaces组件上primefaces以将第一行与第二行分开?

<p:tooltip id="toolTip" for="idButton" value="First line Second Line" position="top"/>

PrimeFaces tooltip supports the escape attribute since 5.1, so just do

<p:tooltip id="toolTip" for="idButton" value="First line<br/> Second Line" position="top" escape="false"/>

But if you want to have a more 'visible' html, you can also do

<p:tooltip id="toolTip" for="idButton" position="top">
    First line
    Second Line

To show the tooltip with a line break you have to put it like this

<p:tooltip for="...">
    <h:outputText value="First line"/>
    <h:outputText value="Second line"/>

Or using PrimeFaces Extensions (pe:tooltip)

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

<pe:tooltip for="...">
    <h:outputText value="First line <br/> Second line" escape="false" />


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