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Cronjob on bitnami google server not working

I have been trying without success to run a cronjob that backs up my database. I keep getting a "30: No such file or directory" when a run the crontab using the following codes on the command line:

crontab 30 19 *** cd /home/bitnami/db_backup /home/bitnami/db_backup/db_backup.sh

But when I run the script by running the below script, It works perfectly.

sh /home/bitnami/db_backup/db_backup.sh

I really do not know what I am missing and I'd appreciate any help in helping me solve this problem. Thanks.

Do crontab -e and add * * * * * bash /home/saketh/Documents/workspace/sample.sh (change the frequency of this job & path accordingly ie 30 19 * * * ; I recommend to use * * * * * bash <absolute path to .sh file> for testing purposes, if the job is small enough) at the end of the file.

I would suggest you to mention absolute path ie the path starting from the root (/) till the end ( /xx/xx/xx/...../sample.sh ) instead of cd /xxx/xxx and bash /continuation/yyy

~#crontab -e

in crontab add:


30 19 * * * /home/bitnami/db_backup/db_backup.sh
  • use space between '*'

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