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Activate Virtualenv Wrapper with Capistrano

I am trying to deploy a Django project with Capistrano. Capistrano deploys the code to my server and finishes deploy steps.

But when I try add a custom task like this...

task :collect_static do
  on roles(:app) do |host|
    execute "cd #{release_path}/myproject"
    execute "workon myproject"
    execute "./manage.py collectstatic"

after "deploy:updated", "collect_static"

It throws the following error...

02 bash: workon: command not found

After the deploy, if I SSH manually onto server and run workon command it works fine(same user). Just Capistrano doesn't recognise it?

workon is not a program but a shell function from virtualenvwrapper . For bash to find it you have to source virtualenvwrapper.sh in the shell.

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